Website and Video du Jour 05/25

Website and Video du Jour 05/25

website d’jour – Trump’s official page on the official 2017 “wish list” stage of the budget video of the day – post-tornado videos from north Georgia​MORE

Site & Video du Jour 05/23

Site & Video du Jour 05/23

video j’jour – Manchester Bombing aftermath (all attached video) site djour – big media personality in London ripped for calling for a “final solution” to terrorist/extreme muslim problem​MORE

Site/Video of the Day 05/04

Site/Video of the Day 05/04

website of the day – here’s more info on what a “food desert” really is.  our guest today (Thursday, 5/4/17) during the 9-10am hour will be a reporter from the “Times-Free Press” who recently wrote on the “desert” on the city’s southside…only made worse by the little community store there being shut down.​ video…MORE

Website/Video du Jour 05/03

Website/Video du Jour 05/03

website of the day – here’s what they’ve done in other towns/states.  it’s scheduled for Saturday, May 27.  yours truly, el jefe, will be the day’s emcee.​   “Video of the Day” – Frank Zappa hires hot young guitarslinger to  join his band in the late ’70’s.  But then realizes he’s gotta show him who’s…MORE

Site/Video du Jour 05/01

Site/Video du Jour 05/01

video of the day – the real story behind the movie “Louder than Words.” Ties to Erlanger’s announcement about breaking ground for new children’s hospital.​ site of the day –  MORE

Website/video du Jour 04/27

Website/video du Jour 04/27

website of the day – UK coverge of the Korean crisis.   video of the day – Thursday, 4/27/17 – some of it’s pretty awesome.  and terrifying. (you know, my youngest son Lucas is flying out of LA tomorrow…directly into Beijing to visit his friend Daiwei (David) who’s paid us two visits since they met during his…MORE

Site/Vid du Jour 04-26

Site/Vid du Jour 04-26

website of the day – BBC’s coverage of most recent (in a spate of) death by shark attack in the waters of Western Australia…and the raging debate over how people should react. video of the day – “The Muscle Shoals Story” / segment dedicated to the Allman Brothers

Site/Video du Jour 04/24

Site/Video du Jour 04/24

site of the day – Sound Tribe Sector 9″ is playing Track 29 tomorrow night.  so, one more time…giving them a little love by making the band’s home site the “d’jour” today. just because I want to see this band succeed even more than it already has.  PLUS, their new female bass player, who’s affected…MORE

Video & Site du Jour 04/21

Video & Site du Jour 04/21

video of the day – a Utah t.v. station covers the missing McCallie student and his grandmother…focusing on the search being conducted by local volunteers and outdoors enthusiasts.  the footage of the roaring creek is not encouraging.  the search has been all but called off by now. website of the day – what you…MORE
