N.D. Gov. Burgum Endorses Lake in Ariz. Senate Race

N.D. Gov. Burgum Endorses Lake in Arizona Senate Race

N.D. Gov. Burgum Endorses Lake in Ariz. Senate Race

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum endorsed Kari Lake in the Arizona Senate race.

“Kari Lake is the conservative fighter we need to help President Trump Make America Great Again,” Burgum said in a statement. “In the U.S. Senate, Kari will be an unstoppable force for commonsense. She has what it takes to lead our country back to safety, prosperity, and peace. Kari Lake has my complete and total endorsement!”

Lake, who is looking to replace Kyrsten Sinema, has a commanding lead over her Republican primary challenger, but is trailing Rep. Ruben Gallego, viewed as the front-runner in the Democrat primary.

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