Dem Rep. Bowman Hosts Fundraiser With Pro-terrorist Group Leader

Dem Rep. Bowman Hosts Fundraiser With Pro-terrorist Group Leader

Dem Rep. Bowman Hosts Fundraiser With Pro-terrorist Group Leader

A member of the House Democrats’ progressive “Squad” is under fire for hosting fundraiser with extremist Muslim leader who praised Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., hosted the fundraiser this week with Council on American–Islamic Relations Executive Director Nihad Awad at a private residence in Fairfax, Virginia, the New York Post reported Saturday.

Awad had been condemned for his antisemitic remarks by President Joe Biden’s administration, which was forced to remove CAIR from its National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism after Awad praised for the Hamas terrorists who raped, murdered, and took Israeli hostages Oct. 7, 2023.

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