Category Archives: Website du Jour

Site/Video du Jour 04/05: More on Cumberland Island

Site/Video du Jour 04/05: More on Cumberland Island

  website of the day – another site based on the startlingly stupid idea of development on one of the last pristine seashores anywhere on the American eastern shoreline.  what kind of MORON thinks this is a good idea? selfishness and narcissism have peaked at an all-time high in America.  while constitutional sensibilities and, yes,…MORE

Site/Video du Jour 04/04: Help Save Cumberland Island!

Site/Video du Jour 04/04: Help Save Cumberland Island!

website of the day:  The backwoods, mouth-breathing, in-bred, toothless, shoeless, buckets of hog slop that call themselves “County Commissioners” in the tiny, rural patch of land called “Camden,” have gleefully ignored 99.99999% of the people’s wishes…including their own constituents…to sell themselves out to one man. (Sam Candler…who, one must assume by the name, gets his blood…MORE

Site & Video du Jour 04/03

Site & Video du Jour 04/03

website of the day – It’s called, simply, the “one wheel”:   video of the day – gotta give Lexus credit for having a keen, and rather expensive, sense of humor.  this is the “commercial” they released on line on April Fool’s Day. Discover Lexus Lane Valet – A visionary technology that lets you…MORE

Video & Site du Jour 03/30

Video & Site du Jour 03/30

video of the day – Video from my trip yesterday, to the best series of swimming holes in the southeast.  But you wouldn’t have wanted to be swimming on this day.  Water was high and flowing like it was shot out of a firehose.  But still, somehow, tranquil. website (1) of the day – As…MORE

Site & Video du Jour 03/27

Site & Video du Jour 03/27

video of the day – Bill O’Reilly’s Big Ole Mouth gets him in trouble. Website du Jour – original article that got the WUTC reporter fired:

Website & Video du Jour 03/28

Website & Video du Jour 03/28

website of the day – just for the fun of it…we’re going with this “Sunday Morning” story about the kids book and the “phone booth project”.   video of the day – also connected to “the phone booth project”

Website & Video du Jour 03/27

Website & Video du Jour 03/27

website o de day – the article on the fired WUTC reportress (WHO GOT SCREWED BY COWARDLY ACADEMIC ASSHATS!)   video o de day – highlights from the NCAA “Elite 8” games

Site/Video du Jour 03/24

Site/Video du Jour 03/24

website of the day – a RARE interview with Bob Dylan, conducted by a Rolling Stone journalist on his own website. video of the day – what “Phish” sounds like to folks who don’t like “Phish”MORE

Website du Jour 03/22

Website du Jour 03/22

website of the day – Top 10 Guitar Solos from Martin Barre…lead axe-man for “Jethro Tull”, playing his own set tonight at “The Revelry Room”. video of the day – all “Jethro Tull”‘s videos attached to the same site above.MORE

Website du Jour 03/20

Website du Jour 03/20

highest paid city employees: highest paid county employees:
