Site/Video du Jour 04/20

Site/Video du Jour 04/20

video of the day – “Sound Tribe Sector 9” is coming back to town.  Hopefully, we’ll have an interview with one or two members of the band next week.  They play Tuesday night, 4/26/17 at “Track 29”  (and shows THERE are now on a “catch ’em before they’re gone” basis with new development coming in…MORE

Website/Video du Jour 04/19

Website/Video du Jour 04/19

website of the day – what is it about this date that makes people go stark-raving mad?!  this site only lists a few of the horrific acts that have been committed on 4/19.   video of the day – canyoneering…intentional, that is…may be one of the most dangerous sports ever.  UN-intentional, as what apparently…MORE

Site/Video du Jour 04/14

Site/Video du Jour 04/14

video of the day – shots and info on the “MOAB” (massive ordinance air-burst bomb…or, Mother Of All Bombs) dropped for the first time yesterday on a remote network of terrorist tunnels in mountainous Afghanistan. website of the day – improprieties abound inside the Trump whitehouse  MORE

Site & Video du Jour 04/12

Site & Video du Jour 04/12

website of the day – the site for “clean and green”…a big push for community cleanup coming up at the end of the month.​ video of the day – “the pool”….an interactive light display that features changing LED hues and levels of brightness as human participants jump from one “disc” to the next.  it’s…MORE

Video & Site du Jour 04/11

Video & Site du Jour 04/11

website of the day – the folks in charge of “Nightfall”…still weeks away…and today’s extremely unusual “Squonk Opera” at old Chamberlain Field. www.chattanoogapresents.comMORE

Website du Jour 04/10

Website du Jour 04/10

website of the day – a funding site for Georgie Cutright…who’s taking a team of rescue dogs (mostly Huskies) on a land-sled-ride across the country.  some love him.  some hate him.

Video du Jour 04/10: My Wings Return on the Wind

Video du Jour 04/10: My Wings Return on the Wind

video of the day – shot on Saturday, 4/8/17…my first flight from the Tennessee TreeToppers’ famous radial, wooden ramp in over 17 years.  no sfx ( beyond speeing through the boring parts of set-up), edits, music…just the flight through my eyes.  Very short.  But still stretched out in my mind as a long, magical experience that still…MORE

Site/Vid du Jour 04/06

Site/Vid du Jour 04/06

website of the day – these guys came into the studio with me years ago to talk about this unusual project, designed to bring music lovers and players from all over the planet together for a single cause.  it was supposed to be a “one off” project…but it’s taken off like a bottle rocket.  don’t…MORE

Site/Video du Jour 04/05: More on Cumberland Island

Site/Video du Jour 04/05: More on Cumberland Island

  website of the day – another site based on the startlingly stupid idea of development on one of the last pristine seashores anywhere on the American eastern shoreline.  what kind of MORON thinks this is a good idea? selfishness and narcissism have peaked at an all-time high in America.  while constitutional sensibilities and, yes,…MORE

Site/Video du Jour 04/04: Help Save Cumberland Island!

Site/Video du Jour 04/04: Help Save Cumberland Island!

website of the day:  The backwoods, mouth-breathing, in-bred, toothless, shoeless, buckets of hog slop that call themselves “County Commissioners” in the tiny, rural patch of land called “Camden,” have gleefully ignored 99.99999% of the people’s wishes…including their own constituents…to sell themselves out to one man. (Sam Candler…who, one must assume by the name, gets his blood…MORE
