Video & Site du Jour 02/24

Video & Site du Jour 02/24

video of the day – a pretty slick t.v. ad from the “” website.  unknown contributors. website of the day – USA Today’s new “safe site” for the nation’s whistleblowers (of all kinds from all professions, etc…), who might fear a vengeful whitehouse. https://newstips.usatoday.comMORE

Website du Jour 02/22

Website du Jour 02/22

website of the day – continuing images of the never-before-encountered flooding in California

Website du Jour 02/21

Website du Jour 02/21

The live streaming on this one is unnerving. “Website of the Day” -the Oroville Dam in CA is going, going…  MORE

Site & Video du Jour 02/10

Site & Video du Jour 02/10

site – Album centerfolds that should be framed.   SE Climber’s Assoc. land acquisition video –

Site/Video du Jour 02/08

Site/Video du Jour 02/08

site of the day – dave carroll’s tribute to our old “big guy”, Mr. Newberg  video of the day – La. tornado damage

Site/Video du Jour 01/23

Site/Video du Jour 01/23

site of the day – map showing path of last night’s tornadic storm front sweeping across the south video of the day – my personal favorite from this weekend’s “Lookout Wild Film Festival”…”Dodo’s Delight”: a group of rock climbing freaks on a slanty shanty sloop heading to Baffin Island to scale virgin vertical monoliths. …MORE

Site & Video du Jour 01/20

Site & Video du Jour 01/20

site of the day – site for Chattanooga’s biggest and oldest science fiction/fantasy convention video of the day – video comparing Trump’s platform and the Black Panther PartyMORE

Site & Video du Jour 01/19

Site & Video du Jour 01/19

site of the day – new, local drug and alcohol rehab facility/program having a big event this weekend video of the day – video of the band, “the slants”, who are arguing the right to use their name and get trademark protection for it (they’re Asian-American musicians)MORE
